Getting Started by Installing TIBCO ComputeDB On-Premise

  1. On the TIBCO eDelivery website, search for TIBCO ComputeDB and go to the Product Detail page.
  2. Click Download and then enter your credentials.
  3. In the Download page, select the version number and then select Linux.
  4. Read and accept the END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.
  5. Choose an installation option and then click Download.
  6. After TIB_compute_1.1.1_linux.tar.gz is downloaded, run the following commands:

    $ tar -xzf TIB_compute_1.1.1_linux.tar.gz
    $ cd TIB_compute_1.1.1_linux/
    # Create a directory for TIBCO ComputeDB artifacts
    $ mkdir quickstartdatadir
    $./bin/spark-shell --conf --conf

    It opens the Spark shell. All TIBCO ComputeDB metadata, as well as persistent data, is stored in the directory quickstartdatadir.
    The spark-shell can now be used to work with TIBCO ComputeDB using SQL and Scala APIs.