How to Connect TIBCO® Data Virtualization to TIBCO ComputeDB

TIBCO® Data Virtualization integrates disparate data sources in real-time instead of copying their data into a data warehouse.

Do the following to connect TIBCO Data Virtulization (TDV) to TIBCO ComputeDB:

Create a TDV Data Source Adapter

  1. In the TDV Studio go to File > New > Data Source.
  2. Select Custom Adapter > New Adapter and enter the following details as mentioned:
    • Name: TIBCO ComputeDB
    • Parent Adapter: Apache Hive 2.x
    • Adapter Location: The location must default in a similar pattern to C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.1/conf/adapters/custom/tibco_computedb
    • Adapter Class Name: io.snappydata.jdbc.ClientDriver
    • Connection URL Pattern: jdbc:snappydata://:

Copy the JDBC Driver

  1. Download the JDBC driver from here.
  2. Copy the jar file to the Adapter location that is specified while creating the TDV Data Source Adapter. This location must default in a similar pattern to C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.1/conf/adapters/custom/tibco_computedb.
  3. Restart the TDV Server to load the JDBC driver.

Create a TDV Data Source for TIBCO ComputeDB Instance

  1. In the TDV Studio, go to File > New > Data Source.
  2. Find TIBCO ComputeDB and select Next.
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Datasource Name: Name that is used to identify the instance of TIBCO ComputeDB.
    • Host: URL of the server location.
    • Port: usually 1527 or 1528
    • Database Name: This can be left blank.
    • Login and Password details.
  4. Select Create and Introspect.
  5. Select the required tables and then click Next.
  6. Click Finished.