How to Start a TIBCO ComputeDB Cluster

Starting TIBCO ComputeDB Cluster on a Single Machine

If you have downloaded and extracted the TIBCO ComputeDB product distribution, navigate to the TIBCO ComputeDB product root directory.

Start the Cluster: Run the ./sbin/ script to start the TIBCO ComputeDB cluster on your single machine using default settings. This starts a lead node, a locator, and a data server. The Hive Thrift server also starts by default.

$ ./sbin/

It may take 30 seconds or more to bootstrap the entire cluster on your local machine. An additional 10 seconds is required to start the Hive Thrift server. To avoid this additional 10 seconds, you can set the snappydata.hiveServer.enabled to false.

Sample Output: The sample output for is displayed as:

Logs generated in /home/cbhatt/TIB_compute_1.1.0_linux/work/localhost-locator-1/snappylocator.log
SnappyData Locator pid: 10813 status: running
  Distributed system now has 1 members.
  Started Thrift locator (Compact Protocol) on: localhost/[1527]
Logs generated in /home/cbhatt/TIB_compute_1.1.0_linux/work/localhost-server-1/snappyserver.log
SnappyData Server pid: 11018 status: running
  Distributed system now has 2 members.
  Started Thrift server (Compact Protocol) on: localhost/[1528]
Logs generated in /home/cbhatt/TIB_compute_1.1.0_linux/work/localhost-lead-1/snappyleader.log
SnappyData Leader pid: 11213 status: running
  Distributed system now has 3 members.
  Starting hive thrift server (session=snappy)
  Starting job server on:[8090]

Starting the TIBCO ComputeDB Cluster on Multiple Hosts

To start the cluster on multiple hosts:

  1. The easiest way to run TIBCO ComputeDB on multiple nodes is to use a shared file system such as NFS on all the nodes.
    You can also extract the product distribution on each node of the cluster. If all nodes have NFS access, install TIBCO ComputeDB on any one of the nodes.

  2. Create the configuration files using the templates provided in the conf folder. Copy the existing template files (servers.template, locators.template and leads.template) and rename them to servers, locators, leads.
    Edit the files to include the hostnames on which to start the server, locator, and lead. Refer to the configuration section for more information on properties.

  3. Start the cluster using ./sbin/ TIBCO ComputeDB starts the cluster using SSH.


It is recommended that you set up passwordless SSH on all hosts in the cluster. Refer to the documentation for more details on installation and cluster configuration.

Starting Individual Components

Instead of starting TIBCO ComputeDB cluster using the script, individual components can be started on a system locally using the following commands:


All configuration parameters are provided as command line arguments rather than reading from a configuration file.

For example, you can run any of the following commands depending on the individual component that you want to start.

$ ./bin/snappy locator start  -dir=/node-a/locator1
$ ./bin/snappy server start  -dir=/node-b/server1  -locators=localhost[10334] -heap-size=16g
$ ./bin/snappy leader start  -dir=/node-c/lead1  -locators=localhost[10334] -spark.executor.cores=32


The path mentioned for -dir should exist. Otherwise, the command will fail with FileNotFoundException.