How to Import Data from Hive Table into TIBCO ComputeDB Table

When working with Hive, you can instantiate Snappy session with Hive support, including connectivity to a persistent Apache Hive metastore, support for Apache Hive SerDes, and Apache Hive user-defined functions. Currently, this is tested on HDFS as the storage layer and with default Apache Hive Metastore, that is embedded Derby database. To instantiate the Snappy session with Hive support, you must do the following:

  1. Place hive-site.xml file in the conf/ folder.

  2. In the hive-site.xml, you must configure the parameters as per your requirement. With Derby as Metastore, the following are the hive-site.xml configurations:

              JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore.
              To use SSL to encrypt/authenticate the connection, provide database-specific SSL flag in the connection        URL.
              For example, jdbc:postgresql://myhost/db?ssl=true for postgres database.

Run the following steps to access Hive tables from TIBCO ComputeDB using Apache Hive Metastore:

  1. Start the Hadoop daemons.
  2. Start the Snappy Shell.
  3. After starting the Snappy Shell, do the following:

    • To point to external hive catalog from snappy session, set the following property. This property can be set at the session level and global level.

          snappy-sql> set spark.sql.catalogImplementation=hive;
    • To point to Snappy internal catalog from snappy session.

          snappy-sql> set spark.sql.catalogImplementation=in-memory;
    • To access the Hive tables from TIBCO ComputeDB, you must specify the schema name of the Hive table. If schema is not defined in Hive, then specify default as the schema name to list the tables. For example,

          snappy-sql> show tables in default;

      If schema is defined in Hive, then specify the schema name to list the tables. For example, if schema / database named hiveDB is created in Hive, then use:

          snappy-sql> show tables in hiveDB;

      To read the Hive tables from TIBCO ComputeDB when the schema is specfied:

          snappy-sql> SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM hiveDB.hiveemployees ORDER BY LastName;

      To read the Hive tables from TIBCO ComputeDB when the schema is not specfied:

          snappy-sql> SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM default.hiveemployees ORDER BY LastName;
    • To join Hive tables and TIBCO ComputeDB tables:

          snappy-sql> SELECT emp.EmployeeID, emp.FirstName, emp.LastName, o.OrderID, o.OrderDate FROM default.hive_employees emp JOIN snappy_orders o ON (emp.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID) ORDER BY o.OrderDate;
    • To create Hive tables and insert the data into it from Snappy:

          snappy-sql> create table if not exists default.t1(id int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
          snappy-sql> insert into default.t1 select id, concat(id) from range(100);

In case you start the Hadoop/Hive daemons, with incorrect configurations in hive-site.xml file, the following error is shown.

No Datastore found in the Distributed System for 'execution on remote node null'.


If you have connected to Apache Hive Metastore and in case the configuration files get removed or deleted, errors or exceptions are not shown. Moreover, you cannot perform any DDL and DML operations in Hive tables.

For more details, refer the following links: